
Летна програма за грчки јазик

Летната програма за настава по грчки јазик се одржа во јули во периодот од 03.07.2023 до 28.07.2023 година, која беше организирана и координирана од Центарот за настава по грчки јазик и култура, во Универзитетот во Јанина. Во тој временски период, според објавениот распоред, кој се следеше во рамките на споменатите…

source: https://www.mappr.co/thematic-maps/balkan-countries-map/

Τι γλώσσα μου έδωσαν; Ελληνική;

image source: https://www.mappr.co/thematic-maps/balkan-countries-map/ Πορνογραφία σημαίνει συνουσία, συνωμοσία στο φως των αστεριών για την Ευρώπη μα και για την Ασία πορνογραφία στα μάτια των παιδιών. (έργο: Πορνογραφία συνθέτης: Χατζηδάκις Μάνος στιχουργοί: Χατζηδάκις Μάνος, Δαβαράκης Άρης) Έναυσμα για το ακόλουθο κείμενο αποτελεί η συνέντευξη που παραχώρησε ο Θεόδωρος Παπαγγελής, καθηγητής του τμήματος…

Crete, my love!

Hi there, fellow Greek learners! Wondering if you want to study in Greece? Well if you don’t mind going to the beach every day before class, being all tanned even in winter, sunny days all year long, then absolutely yes! My name is Iskra, and I’m a philology student living…

The “Peloponnese” Diaries

We met at around 6:30 pm, with me being exhausted from the trip and you being delightful as always. Hello Nafplio, it was really nice to meet you. Sorry I didn’t bother getting to know you just as soon as I arrived, but I was stuck looking at my phone…

The two different lifestyles of a student

Many of you still don’t know me, because this is my first “blog”. My name is Damjan Kozarov and I am both a student in the city of Bitola and in the city of Thessaloniki. Today I decided to share my first impressions and experiences in these cities, so I…
